Women’s Music News (WMN) is an online platform featuring women, trans and non-binary people in all roles of the music industry. WMN aims to be a positive platform for discussion, championing diversity, and the go to place for people to discover music and talented females across all genres.
I previously worked in music publishing for a few years, along with looking after small independent record labels’ phonographic rights so Women’s Music News was an ideal way to combine content production skills along with my knowledge of music. I couldn’t believe there wasn’t really an established platform supporting women in music so I started one.
WMN was built on WordPress, I did all the content and branding myself and worked with a small team of contributors.
"Shout out to WMN for giving an online platform to women in music."
Singer-songwriter, director on the FAC's BEAT (breakthrough emerging artists) board
"Women’s Music News shines the light on the sea of talent and extraordinary work created by brilliant humans... who all happen to be women. The team are dedicated, supportive and have created a lovely digital space."
Roxanne De Bastion
Singer-songwriter, FM2U founder, FAC (Featured Artists Coalition) Board Director